We are lucky to have so many families participating in our community every year. We've been talking with a few of those family-oriented participants lately, and it got us thinking that when it comes to fitness, family isn't just the people you're related to. Sure, your blood relatives can make an amazing team, but our participants form virtual families around all kinds of ties.
Here are just a few examples of all the awesome types of families we see out there!
Actual Family
Co-Worker Family
Friend Family
What kind of fitness family do you have?
-0.623,2.378 c-0.226,0.868-0.835,1.958-1.243,2.622C9.975,21.843,10.969,22,12,22c5.522,0,10-4.478,10-10S17.523,2,12,2z" fill="currentColor">
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