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Un-Canceled Project 2 Week 6: Life Un-Canceled – Run The Edge®

Un-Canceled Project 2 Week 6: Life Un-Canceled

Un-Canceled Project 2 Week 6: Life Un-Canceled - Virtual Fitness Challenge Blog | Run The Edge

Welcome to Week 6 of the Un-Canceled Project 2, Run The Edge’s free virtual challenge series that allows everyone to safely complete their canceled races, meetups, and events! In case you missed it, you can read about the last weeks’ themes  here.

In the last week of our Project, we ask you to zoom out for a bit and look at everything you have managed to un-cancel over the past weeks. Not only have you brought gratitude, hope, humor, inspiration, courage, commitment, kindness, community, joy, dreams, and perseverance into your everyday routines, but by doing so you have un-canceled LIFE. By embracing the best of what makes us human, you’ve already succeeded in embodying the final theme of the Un-Canceled Project.

This week, we are un-canceling Life and paying special attention to what makes Life worth living. In the recent months, we have had so many aspects of our normal lives altered (or removed entirely) that it can be difficult to find things to look forward to. Reach for that Joy and Gratitude to find the little things in our new day to day existence that spice up Life. Draw on your Community for Courage and Inspiration when you feel weighed down, and know that we're here to help you Persevere through anything. Don't forget to stay Committed to your Dreams, and never give up Hope. Find the Humor in your situation, and remember to spread Kindness to those around you. These are the things that make up Life!

Thank you for joining us on this amazing journey— we can't wait to see how else you un-cancel LIFE!

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